Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Even More Space Hulk

Painted up some genestealer cultists

And I also finished the final two sister of battle figures, the captain and psycher (librarian analogue)

I ran into a little snag for the production of the tiles for the expantions.
Apparently I used up my last sheet of really fine needlework canvas to make the base set and the store where I bought it has gone belly up so I'll have to do some hunting around the internets for the correct size of granny grating.(any and all tips on this are welcome)


Saturday, December 24, 2016

More Space Hulk

It took me a while but thanks to HLS models 50% onslaught miniatures sale I finaly got my hands on some appropriate figures for this project.

I didn't manage to get all the figures I wanted but I'll be ordering the rest from Vanguard minis soon.

I decided to go with the sisterhood Athena power armored troops for my terminators

I converted one of the normal troopers to a chainfist armed one by adding the tip of an avian chainspear to her gauntled.
Still missing the captain and librarian analogue figures but I have found suitable figures in the sisterhood command pack which I'll be ordering soon.

The genestealers were a no brainer as onslaught has some exelent not-genestealers in their Legion prowlers.
The broodlord is a Legion Overseer. There are three variants of this figure, this one, one armed with two swords and one armed with some sort of bio cannon, I'll be painting these to and probably make up some extra rules for them to add a little variety.

I've also picked up some of their not-genestealer cult so yeah I'll probably end up doing the various space hulk expantions next.

Thats it for now and I'll leave you with a crappy picture of my new storage solution for this project


Oh ...     and...   ...  MERRY CHRISTMASS YALL !!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Return to the Jungles of Kessel-D93

I needed a little bit of a break from my red martians so I decided to finally finish my alien jungle board.
I made four stands of alien foliage so I could change my alien savannah into more of a true jungle.

Here's the stands in my lightbox

And here they are on the board

With a bit of luck I should be getting a copy of Horizon Wars for christmass and then we'll be able to set this little scene in motion.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

More Movement On The Martian Front

Well, I guess it's been a bit longer than 2 weeks but anyhoo...
Finally managed to take some crappy smartphone pictures of my 2 latest red martian units
A unit of rifelmen

and some float platform artillary

I popped 2 stands into the lightbox in an attempt to get you a better look

Here's a shot of the red martian host so far

And now I'll leave you with a small preview of the last unit of red martians which I'll be doing for now...
the thoat cavalry

I still need to sculpt on all of the features but you can at least see the basic concept.

Btw. anybody have a good idea what to do with a dozen or so 6mm decapitated horse heads?  ðŸ˜ˆ