Monday, December 1, 2014

Motivational Image dump,a glimpse of things to come.

Ok, so I've been a bit busy with a lot of real life boring stuff these last few months and now that I've finally got a bit more spare time I find I'm having trouble getting started again.
So, in an attempt to get myself motivated, I've decided to do a bit of an image dump of the things I did manage to get done and share some of the plans I have for them with you all.

Some power armor by Brigade Models

 and GZG

I got these to use with a space station terrain piece I plan on building. The idea is that they will be fighting in micro gravity on the hull of the space station.

A bunch of figures for use with the awesome  Five Parsecs From Home skirmish rules by Nordic Weasel Games ( check them out here ) Expect a Batrep/mini review of the game soon.

 Angel Barracks Junkers

GZG Islamic federation

Various figures from Steel Crown Productions

and some more Steel Crown figs (the 2 big'uns on the right) and Dark Realm Kraytonians

Last but by no means least various figures from the exellent Solar Empire Marines line from CinC.

I've also started to make some scatter terrain for my space port terrain, once I feel I have enough for a nine tile setup I'll be using them to dig into 5 Parsecs.

Well that's it for now, stay tuned, more to follow soon , I hope ;-)

Please leave a comment below.
Stroezie signing off.


  1. Great looking stuff! I hope that get' you motivated to continue working through your lead pile.

  2. I still think the Brigade PA troops are the best out there.
    Liking the space port very much too.

  3. Fantastic figures and jobs :-) I have some of the AB infantry and they are great.

  4. very nice, I like the brushwork, and that spaceport is looking rad!
