Thursday, July 16, 2020

How to Summon a Monster.

First we build a metal framework to hold the creature during the summoning process.

Then we mix the four basic elements together to form the sacred "Green Stuff" (50/50 mix milliput / kneadatite)

and with the hard and soft implements we alternately press, poke and caress the putty into a similitude of the creature we wish to conjure.

Slowly the creature takes form...

untill finally, after much patience and detailed work...       ...succes!!!

Now through the use of various mythic pigments, we bring our monster to life.
And lastly we give it a small offering of flock and bind it to this plane of existence with a final "Ard Coat".

Behold fellow practitionners of the arcane arts: "the Othyug!"
Never shall we have to worry about where to get rid of our excrement again!
Or worry about those pesky adventurers surprising us during number two for that matter.



  1. Cool monster! I have never tried mixing green stuff and Milliput. I have to try it now. Cheers, Karl

  2. Any chance of talking us through the whole kneadite and milliput mix? The whys and wherefores of such.

    1. Mixing in milliput makes the putty a little softer and less stretchy, cheese string like. It makes the mix obey my prodding and poking a little better and once it cures you can still cut it like green stuff and also file it down like milliput.
      Also, milliput is much cheaper than green stuff.😉

    2. Thanks for the answer, makes sense. I will have to try kneadatite and Milliput for myself.
