I actually started this project more than a year ago but it got packed up when we moved to our new house. Fast forward to about a week ago when I ordered a copy of a new 6mm dungeon crawler called Pocket Quest which caused me to dig it out again and finally finish it.
Ok enough history lessons, "Get on with it!"
If you want to play Heroquest you need a board.
Being the magnet nut that I am I decided to build mine completely out of magnetic paper.

then I painted it using sponges for the larger areas and a size 0 brush for the details.

On to the the minis.
I sent an email to Steven Salotti over at Microworld Games and asked if he would make a special Heroquest pack for me as I only needed a few of each type of figure.
Got a reply the same day saying "no problem" and "which minis would I like?"
Here's what I ended up ordering:
8 Orcs (orc warriors)
6 Goblins (goblin warriors)
3 Fimir (dread ogers?)
4 Chaos Warriors ( Alliance Destroyers)
1 Chaos Warlock ( dark alliance command sorcerer )
1 Gargoyle (minotaur lord)
4 Skeletons (skeleton spearmen)
2 Zombies ( zombies or ghouls)
2 Mummies (wraiths ?)
1 Barbarian ( alliance barbarian)
1 Dwarf (dwarf berserker)
1 Elf (wood elf hero)
1 Wizard (wood elf sorcerer)
As you can see I had to make some allowances as certain models were not available at that time and I had to pick something that would feel similar.
On the other hand at $13.50 USD for all the minis shipping USA to Belgium included, I don't really mind buying more later if anything better should pop up.(Microworld have since released an awesome figure for the gargoyle in their demons line)
They arrived 4 days!!! after I ordered them.
Here are the heroes: The elf, mage, dwarf and barbarian
Followed by the villains,
Everyones favourite badguys the Orcs
Everyones favourite badguys the Orcs
Their orange skinned partners in crime the Goblins
For some serious Evil, the Warlock and his Chaos Knights
Alas no 6mm Fimirs to be found so I decided to go with a trio of Ogers
And another placeholder until I find a good Gargoyle figure, the Minotaur King
Well thats the board and the minis sorted out, but what would Heroquest be without all the 3D senic bits?
Lots of senic bits!
16 open doors
5 closed doors
6 secret doors

2 double square cave in tiles
8 one square cave in tiles
1 set of stairs
6 pit traps
1 wizard's work table
2 ordinary tables
3 treasure chests
12 skull tokens

Bookcases and wardrobe
Torture and weaponrack
And finally after more than a year the fireplace, stone block traps(bronze plated for that extre Oomph!) and the chair.
Due to a combination of making them fit a certain amount of squares on the board and this being my first time working with Milliput some of the furniture turned out a bit to large, more like 10mm scale. Oh well, the original Heroquest pieces always looked a bit to large for the minis to me to so it doesn't really bother me.
Well that's it for the base game... ...there were a bunch of cool expantions... ...yeah I know ;-)
Ps: for those of you wondering why I went through all this trouble for such an old game, I can only direct you to this little youtube gem Why Heroquest is so Great